Heading for Heaven

By J C Ryle

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Most people would like to believe that they are 'heading for heaven'... but are they? There is only 'one way' says J. C. Ryle. Those who are in Christ have a 'sure hope'. Only they can have the assurance that through the efficacy of Christ's work they will one day be 'home at last'.

J. C. Ryle, one of the outstanding evangelical leaders of the nineteenth century, preached and wrote with clarity and simplicity. In these days when evangelical preachers are accused of being either superficial or dull, we have in this little book a great example from one who was neither of these things. What he has to say about heaven and eternal glory should be an encouragement to every true believer and a challenge to those who are without Christ and eternal hope.

Product Details

Publisher Evangelical Press
Type Hardback
ISBN 9780852347102