A Sweet and Bitter Providence - Ruth

By John Piper

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Ruth was a risk-taker. She took chances that few people would be willing to take. But, as we often see in Scripture, God rewarded her radical, faith-filled decisions. It's part of the reason why a widowed peasant-immigrant woould become part of a nation's most important family tree-and ultimately, the family tree of the King of kings.

The events of this story happened over 3,000 years ago, but it still holds astounding relevance for today. In A Sweet and Bitter Providence, John Piper teaches through the book of Ruth to reveal how God can use the most dangerous and tenuous circumstances to accomplish his purposes.

Read the narrative of Ruth in a new way and be inspired to take great risks for a great and sovereign God.

Product Details

Publisher IVP
Type Paperback
ISBN 9781844744244