Through the Psalms 53-106 - Volume 3

By Tony Bennett

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This is the third volume of Tony Bennett’s Devotional Commentaries on the Psalms, covering Books Three and Four of the Psalter, that is Psalms 73–106. We open with a collection of psalms written by Asaph (73–83), followed by another small Korah collection (84– 85, 87–88). Other named authors are David, Moses and Ethan the Ezrahite, while over one-third are anonymous. We are challenged as to whether God is truly King in our lives and whether our worship of him is reverent and God-centred. And do we learn from the past the lessons God seeks to teach us? The format and aim of the book remain the same as in the first two volumes – to show each psalm’s historical setting, explain its meaning, apply its teaching to our daily lives, and see how the psalmist points us to Christ.

Product Details

Publisher Day One
Type Paperback
ISBN 9781846257827
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