The Nicene Creed – An Introduction

By Phillip Cary

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Understand and celebrate what we believe For centuries, the Nicene Creed has been central to the church's confession. The Nicene Creed: An Introduction by Phillip Cary explores the Creed's riches with simplicity and clarity. Cary explains the history of the Creed and walks through its meaning line by line. Far from being abstract or irrelevant, the words of the Creed carefully express what God has done in Christ and through the Spirit. The Nicene Creed gives us the gospel. It gives biblical Christians the words for what we already believe. And when we profess the Creed, we join the global church throughout history in declaring the name and work of the one God--Father, Son, and Spirit. Gain a fresh appreciation for the ancient confession with Phillip Cary's help.

Product Details

Publisher Lexham Press
Type Hardback
ISBN 9781683596332