13 Lesson Study Matthew, Volume 2: Making Disciples for the Nations, (Chapters 14–28)

By Jon Nielson

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The gospel of Matthew is a wellspring of instruction on daily Christian living. Matthew writes to make disciples, forming the minds, hearts, and hands of believers in light of the new covenant. In Matthew 14–28, Jesus continues to train his disciples before his return to the public eye, final teachings, crucifixion, and resurrection. Designed for groups and individuals, this Reformed Expository Bible Study gives users the resources they need to delve into God’s Word and understand and apply it for themselves, leading to biblical transformation. Background information and commentary lay the groundwork before readers observe and analyze the Scripture text. Each of the twenty-six lessons makes connections to the rest of the Bible and to Reformed theology before concluding with a section for personal application and a prayer prompt.

Product Details

Publisher Presbyterian & Reformed
Type Paperback
ISBN 9781629958088