Expository Commentary on the Psalms: Volume 2, Psalms 39 - 89 - CCS

By Alexander Maclaren

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Expository Commentary on the Psalms: Volume 2, Psalms 39 - 89 - CCS by Alexander Maclaren and published by Classics.

These three volumes which firstly appeared in “The Expositor’s Bible” should obviously, first of all, be expository. The author has endeavoured to conform to that requirement, and has therefore found it necessary to leave questions of date and authorship all but untouched as these matters could not be adequately discussed in conjunction with Exposition of the Psalms.

Maclaren writes “I venture to think that the deepest and most precious elements in the Psalms are very slightly affected by the answers to these questions, and that expository treatment of the bulk of the Psalter may be separated from critical, without condemning the former to incompleteness. If I have erred in thus restricting the scope of this volume, I have done so after due consideration; and am not without hope that the restriction may commend itself to some readers.”

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Publisher Classics
Type Paperback
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