Giants, Fallen Angels, and the Return of the Nephilim

By Dennis Lindsay

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Giants, Fallen Angels, and the Return of the Nephilim: Ancient Secrets to Prepare for the Coming Days by Dennis Lindsay and published by Destiny Image.

Giants, Fallen Angels and the Return of the Nephilim will discuss biblical prophecies of giants on the earth, the Last Days demonic plot of engineering genetic hybrids, and what all of it has to do with Israel and the Middle East. In this book, you will receive answers to these questions and more:

* Have tribes of giants ever walked this Earth?

* Why are there massive and precise "prehistoric" megalithic structures throughout the world?

* Was early man a Neolithic Stone Age caveman or did he receive knowledge from other sources?

* Are aliens actually fallen angels?

* Who are the Nephilim, and are they returning to Earth?

Discover how important these questions are, from both a personal and global perspective, and where humanity's only hope lies!

Product Details

Publisher Destiny
Type Paperback
ISBN 9780768444179