In Light of the Son, Seeing everything through the Father’s love for the Son by Andrew Moody and published by Matthias Media.
At a university Bible study on John 15 in the 1980s, Andrew Moody dared to wonder out loud why the Son, since he is God, had to obey the Father. The answer to his question, which was a turning point for Andrew, was both simple and profound: the Father’s love for the Son is the reason for everything, from creation to the final chapter of Revelation.
In Light of the Son distils decades of study and reflection on the interrelationships of the persons of the Trinity to help readers think more clearly and deeply about this central truth of the Christian faith. Instead of focusing on the distinct roles of the persons of the Godhead as most studies do, this book approaches the Trinity from the perspective of the relationship between the Father and Son.
Andrew Moody explains how reading the Bible through the lens of the relationship between the Father and Son reveals new truths and sheds light on who we are, who God is, and how we are to love and glorify him. Quite simply, how you think about the Father and the Son changes everything.