A Christian's Pocket Guide to Suffering - CPGS

By Brian Cosby

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A Christian's Pocket Guide to Suffering, How God Shapes Us through Pain and Tragedy by Brian H. Cosby and published by Christian Focus Publications.

When tragedy strikes-the death of a child, hurricanes, a school shooting-we begin looking for an escape from the pain, a way out, or we clamor for answers from a panel of religious "experts" to explain the ever-present question, "Why?" We want answers and we want to believe that our suffering isn't meaningless.

A Christian's Pocket Guide to Suffering seeks to simply, but clearly, present a biblical view of suffering so that your feet might land on the solid foundation of God's Word and the God of that Word and, there, find understanding and hope. All other ground is sinking sand.

Product Details

Publisher Christian Focus
Type Paperback
ISBN 9781781916469