365 Day Fun Bible Fact Book

By Barbour

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365 Day Fun Bible Fact Book by Barbour Publishing.

Every day for an entire year, The 365-Day Fun Bible Fact Book gives you a concise, easy-to-read entry on the strange, wonderful, and intriguing aspects of scripture. Covering the miraculous, the odd, the important-but-little-known, and the truly bizarre, this book is a useful and fun tool for enhancing biblical knowledge. Appropriate for readers from junior high and up, The 365-Day Fun Bible Fact Book covers “The Bible’s Other Noah,” “Solomon’s 700 Wives,” “Healing Hankies,” and 362 other unusual aspects of scripture. Bonus Bible trivia questions appear with each reading, promising you an entire year’s worth of fun!

Product Details

Publisher Barbour
Type Paperback
ISBN 9781602608481