All true expository preachers want to experience the illumination of the Scripture in their hearts when they study and preach. Sadly, today's preaching culture promotes an imbalance in the discussion of the Spirit's role in preaching at a time when so many preachers err on the sides either of mysticism or of pragmatism.
In this Bible-soaked study, Jeffrey Crotts defines and applies the seemingly forgotten doctrine of illumination. He shows that the Bible is clear that Spirit-filled illuminated preaching takes place in two parts: as the preacher studies and meditates upon his biblical text, resulting in personal convictions, and as he then conveys these truths to his hearers, trusting that the Spirit of God will likewise illumine their hearts. With the inclusion of testimonies of men such as Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Owen, and Jonathan Edwards, this book provides a synthesized biblical theology of illumination, focusing on four main categories found in 2 Corinthians 4:16: Condemnation, Communication, Conversion, and Convictions.
Preachers who long for illumination during their personal study and preaching will be enriched as they read and apply this scholarly yet pastoral work on the priceless doctrine we call illumination.