The Lord's my Shepherd - 23rd Psalm

By Timothy Cross

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Psalm 23 contains some of the most well-known and well-loved verse of the whole Bible. Whilst we are all very familiar with what it says though, do we understand what it really means? What, for instance, did David really mean by 'still waters', 'paths of righteousness', 'the valley of the shadow of death', a 'rod and staff' and what about a prepared 'table' ...?

This book will bring your favourite Psalm alive to you in a way you have never known before. Reading it will enlighten your mind, warm your heart and draw you closer to the Saviour-Shepherd known and described so vividly by David all those centuries ago.

Come then, read, understand and enjoy your favourite Psalm with new freshness. An instructive, interesting and inspiring experience awaits you and reading it will enlighten your mind, warm your heart and draw you closer to the Saviour Shepherd known and described so vividly by David all those centuries ago.

Product Details

Publisher Ambassador
Type Paperback
ISBN 9781840300741