All Christians love the Psalms. They are so warm and personal, so alive with the reality of God, so relevant to every changing circumstance of life. We know what Luther meant when he described the Psalms as 'the Bible in miniature'. There is even more to the Psalms than that, however. Jesus himself pointed the way to a deeper understanding of them when he told his disciples, 'Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms' (Luke 24:44). Christ is what the Old Testament is about and the Old Testament is about Christ is written large on every page. He is the story-line of all Scripture, Old and New Testaments.
In this book Harry Uprichard selects a number of psalms which are quoted in the New Testament and specifically applied to Christ. He first establishes the broad lines of teaching in the psalm itself and then moves on to its fulfilment in the New Testament. The emerging pattern becomes exciting and our hearts are warmed as we discover hidden in the Psalms further pearls of great price about Christ, our Lord and Saviour.