Two very popular and effective evangelistic tools:
(1) Two Ways to Live: The choice we all face
(2) the Gospel of Luke.
What, we thought, if we combined the two?
That's what The Essential Jesus does. Most of its 80 pages are made up of a fresh and accurate translation of Luke's Gospel. But the text of Luke is preceded by some important background information ('Previously in the Bible') that explains the biblical context and Jewish expectations as Jesus walks on centre stage. (This explanation is based on boxes 1 to 3 of Two Ways to Live.) The text of Luke also includes numerous footnotes, helpfully explaining to the modern reader some of the unfamiliar terms and names that appear from time to time.
After Luke's account of Jesus, a summary of the message is presented using the Two Ways to Live framework, concepts and illustrations, but linking back to the content of Luke.
* Highly attractive bound book.
* Inexpensive, yet a quality gift to give away.
* Helpful background provided at the beginning.
* Meet the real Jesus through a fresh and accurate translation of Luke.
* A challenging summary at the end using Two Ways to Live structure and pictures, but referencing Luke.